Advanced Machine Learning
Course Program
Each year, one of the following programs is taught.
- Tutorial class ( Slides)
- Lab exercise: Introduction to proximal splitting algorithms ( Jupyter notebook)
- Introduction to non-smooth optimization
- First-order algorithms (gradient descent, subgradient descent, proximal algorithm)
- Fenchel duality
- Proximal splitting algorithms (forward-backward, Douglas-Rachford, primal-dual, proximal ADMM)
- Lab exercise: Introduction to proximal splitting algorithms ( Jupyter notebook)
- Feature selection with Lasso
- Piecewise constant denoising
- Tutorial class ( Slides)
- Lab exercise: Introduction to adversarial ML ( Jupyter notebook)
- Principle; Specific and universal attacks; Transferability; Defense mechanisms
- Optimization problem
- Applications
- Lab exercise: Introduction to adversarial ML ( Jupyter notebook)
- FGSM attack
- Adversarial retraining