About Me

Hi I am Jordan Frecon Patracone :wave:,

I am currently an associate professor in machine learning. I teach at Télécom Saint-Etienne (Jean Monnet University, Université de Lyon) and I conduct my research within the MALICE Inria project-team (Hubert Curien Laboratory).

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the LITIS group (INSA Rouen Normandie) working with Stéphane Canu and Gilles Gasso. In 2021, I benefited from an external collaborator position at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in the Computational Statistics and Machine Learning group directed by Massimiliano Pontil where I used to work as a postdoctoral researcher from 2017 to 2020. I defended my PhD in Physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon) on October 11th 2016, under the supervision of Patrice Abry and Nelly Pustelnik.

Research Interests

Machine Learning




Signal/Image Processing


Programming Skills







Associate Professor, MALICE Inria, LabHC

2023 — Present

Team: MALICE Inria
Laboratory: Laboratoire Hubert Curien (LabHC)
Teaching institution: Télécom Saint-Etienne, Jean Monnet University, Université de Lyon

Associate Professor, Data Intelligence, LabHC

2022 — 2023

Team: Data Intelligence
Laboratory: Laboratoire Hubert Curien (LabHC)
Teaching institution: Télécom Saint-Etienne, Jean Monnet University, Université de Lyon

Postdoc, App, LITIS

2020 — 2022

Team: Apprentissage (App)
Laboratory: Laboratoire d’informatique, du traitement de l’information et des systèmes (LITIS)
Supervisor: Stéphane Canu
Title: Towards safe artificial intelligence in mobility
Keywords: Deep learning, bilevel optimization, adversarial machine learning

Postdoc, CSML, IIT

2017 — 2020

Team: Computational statistics and machine learning (CSML)
Laboratory: Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)
Supervisor: Massimiliano Pontil
Title: Non-smooth bilevel optimization for multi-task learning
Keywords: Multi-task learning, bilevel optimization, hyperparameters selection

Ph.D., Sisyphe, LPENSL

2013 — 2016

Team: Signaux, systèmes et physique (Sisyphe)
Laboratory: Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon (LPENSL)
Supervisors: Patrice Abry and Nelly Pustelnik
Title: Optimization methods for the analysis of scale-invariant processes
Keywords: Multifractal analysis, change-points detection, online optimization, models selection

B.Sc. & M.Sc., Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

2010 — 2013

Program: Sciences de la matière
Major: Physics
Specialty: Complex systems